Ms. Mercy K. Wambua, OGW, is the Commission Secretary/Chief Executive Officer of the Commission on Administrative Justice (Office of the Ombudsman). She is an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya and a legal practitioner with administrative, law reforms, and human rights (gender and social justice) experience spanning over 19 years.
She is a holder of a Bachelor of Laws Degree and a Master of Arts Postgraduate Degree in Gender and Development Studies. She is currently undertaking a Doctor of Philosophy (PHD) course in Business Administration and Management, Majoring in Strategic Planning. She is also a Certified Court Annexed Mediator and a Certified Public Secretary.
Prior to joining the Commission, Ms. Wambua served as the Secretary/CEO of the Law Society of Kenya (LSK) (2016-2022). She joined LSK in 2012 as a Deputy CEO in charge of Compliance and Ethics. During this period, she also served as the Secretary to the Advocates Disciplinary Tribunal, and as the Secretary to the Advocates Benevolent Association charged with the responsibility of providing oversight and management of the Association.
Before joining LSK, Ms. Wambua served as the Deputy Legal Aid Programme Coordinator of the National Legal Aid Programme under the then Ministry of Justice, National Cohesion and Constitutional Affairs. She has also previously served as a member of the Board of Kituo Cha Sheria from 2019 to 2023.
Ms. Wambua has won numerous awards including the African Public Service Optimum Awards held in June 2024, for spearheading the best Constitutional Commission in investigation of complaints accross Africa. In the 3rd edition of the Nairobi Legal Awards Women’s Soiree held in March 2024, Ms. Wambua was listed among the top 5 Women Lawyers under the Distinguished Service to the Profession and the Nation Category during the unveiling of the Top 50 Women Lawyers. In 2019 she was conferred the Order of Grand Warrior (OGW) by H.E President of the Republic of Kenya and Commander- in- Chief of the Defence Forces Hon. Uhuru Kenyatta, in recognition of distinguished and outstanding services rendered to the nation in various capacities and responsibilities