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Corporate Services

The Corporate Services Department Is Responsible For The Efficient And Effective Management Of Human Resource, Administration, Finance, And ICT Functions. The Department Functions Entail The Following: 

  1. Coordinating the provision of efficient and effective corporate support services to the Commission;
  2. Coordinating the development, review and implementation of finance and accounts, human resource, administration and ICT policies, strategies, procedures, and guidelines for the Commission’s effective performance;
  3. Ensuring financial prudence and discipline for financial accounting, planning, budgeting and controls in compliance with the set Government guidelines and regulations;
  4. Fostering a culture that promotes team capability, reflects positive values which facilitate performance, professionalism and innovation;
  5. Maintaining the Commission’s asset registers;
  6. Coordinating the provision of effective administrative support services such as security, office accommodation, records management, transport among others;
  7. Ensuring effective implementation and compliance with legislative, statutory and regulatory requirements relating to Human Resource, Finance, Accounts, Administration and ICT services;
  8. Coordinating the Commission’s Information Communication Technology Management Systems; and
  9. Coordinating the mainstreaming, implementation and ensuring adherence to regulatory requirements in regard to gender and disability mainstreaming, diversity and other cross cutting obligations.

Access To Information (ATI)

The Department Is Responsible For Facilitating The Right Of Access To Information. The Specific Functions Entail The Following: -

  1. Reviewing and determining applications on violation of the right of access to information;
  2. Initiating investigations on violations of the provisions of the ATI Act;
  3. Requesting, receiving and evaluating public entities reports on implementation of the ATI Act;
  4. Designing and facilitation of mechanisms for hearing and determination of ATI applications;
  5. Designing and developing programmes to facilitate proactive disclosure of information and data held by public entities and private bodies;
  6. Designing, developing and implementing   programmes for public sensitization and awareness on access to information;
  7. Facilitating public sensitization and awareness on the right of access to information;
  8. Monitoring Kenya’s compliance with international treaty obligations relating to freedom of and the right of access to information;
  9. Providing support and guidance to public entities and private bodies on implementation of the ATI Act;
  10. Designing and developing programmes to ensure public entities’ records and information management systems are kept and maintained in a manner facilitating access to information;
  11. Advising on legal approach on handling access to information;
  12. Design and developing of programmes to ensure facilitation of protection of persons disclosing information in public interest; and
  13. Preparing various reports on the status of ATI Act implementation.

Strategy, Research And Compliance Department

Functions Of The Department Entails The Following: -

  1. Monitoring, evaluation of reports on compliance by state or Public Officers with the Constitutional and Statutory requirements relating to leadership, integrity and ethics;
  2. Carrying out relevant research on cases, current trends of dispute resolution with comparable institutions and other appropriate matters;
  3. Monitoring and evaluating the status of the various complaints;
  4. Identifying systemic issues and recommending remedial measures and proactive action;
  5. Managing the process of carrying out relevant research on cases and others matters on administrative justice and access to information;
  6. Carrying out relevant research on cases, current trends of dispute resolution with comparable institutions;
  7. Undertaking research on systemic issues and recommending remedial measures and proactive actions;
  8. Reporting on compliance by State or Public Officers with the Constitutional and Statutory requirements relating to leadership, integrity and ethics;
  9. Developing and implementing best practices, policies, procedures and systems for research on matters of administrative justice and access to information;
  10. Coordinating and managing complaints records; and
  11. Monitoring and evaluation of status of the various complaints.

Complaints Investigations and Legal Services

The Department Is Responsible For The Management Of Complaints, Investigations And Provision Of Legal Services. The Functions Of The Department Entail:

  1. Developing, reviewing and implementing strategies and guidelines on complaints, investigations and legal;
  2. Coordinating handling of complaints, investigation and legal services;
  3. Coordinating the design and facilitation of mechanisms for formal hearings and inquiries by the Commission;
  4. Developing and reviewing guidelines on implementation of alternative dispute resolution mechanism;
  5. Coordinating investigation on any conduct in state affairs, or any act or omission in public administration by any State organ, State or public officer in National and County Governments that is alleged or suspected to be prejudicial or improper or is likely to result in any impropriety or prejudice;
  6. Coordinating investigation on complaints of abuse of power, unfair treatment, manifest injustice or unlawful, oppressive, unfair or unresponsive official conduct within the public sector;
  7. Advising on modes and mechanisms for mediation and reconciliation;
  8. Providing advice on all legal aspects of the Commission, Regulations and other legal statutes;
  9. Coordinating the Commission’s litigation matters with external advocates;
  10. Coordinating and enforcing matters of non-compliance with legal and regulatory framework of licenses and other parties with the relevant department;
  11. Coordinating the drafting of legal instruments based on policy proposals by the stakeholders; and
  12. Managing complaints data base.

Public Education, Advocacy And Corporate Communications Department

The Functions For The Public Education, Advocacy And Corporate Communications Department Entails The Following: -

  1. Coordinating development, review and implementation of public education, advocacy, corporate communication and social media strategies and guidelines;
  2. Developing public education, advocacy and communication; and media platforms content for the general public and special groups such as media and non-state actors;
  3. Facilitating Commission’s official and public events;
  4. Promoting partnerships and leverage on platforms by partner organisations to create awareness and conduct public education;
  5. Undertaking research in public education, advocacy and corporate communication;
  6. Coordinating sensitization and training of Ministries, Departments and Agencies on complaints management and access to information;
  7. Overseeing the development and implementation of crisis communication plans and advising the Commission in crisis communication; and
  8. Managing the Commissions Resource Centre and disseminating information to the public.