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Unpaid Claims Finally Settled

The State Law Office finally settled a claim following the intervention of the Commission. 

Ms. Elizabeth Jeptoo complained to the Commission alleging failure by the State Law Office to ensure the settlement of her claim awarded by court in Eldoret Chief Magistrate’s Court Civil Case Number 1097 of 2016 -Elizabeth Jeptoo versus Johana Kataruk, County Commissioner West Pokot County and Attorney General following a fatal accident suit she filed on behalf of the estate of her son, John Kiprono Murgor, that was occasioned by a motor vehicle belonging to the Ministry of Interior and National Administration that was being driven by their employee. The complainant was awarded damages amounting to Kshs.1,756,778 on 13th September 2019 but was never paid prompting her to seek the intervention of the Commission. 

 The Commission by way of inquiry took up the matter with the Office of the Attorney General leading to settlement of the dues amounting to Kshs. 2,145,909 through Ms. Jeptoo’s advocate.